Tasks is an amazing new way to earn rewards!

It consists of 3 different features:


Achievements is an exciting, limited-time event that runs for several days where you can earn amazing rewards day after day. All you have to do is complete tasks and collect your rewards.


The store is where players can redeem a variety of prizes. 

Daily tasks

Daily tasks are time-limited tasks that players have to complete during the day, completing them results in amazing prizes to earn various in-game rewards.

Where can I find the Tasks?

You can access it by selecting the "Tasks" tab in the main lobby.

How do Tasks work?

Players are given specific tasks to complete, completing these objectives grants rewards.

Can I track my task progress?

Your progress bar updates in real-time as you complete each task.

What happens when I complete a task?

Once you complete a task, a "Claim" button will appear. Tap it to receive your rewards!

Do tasks have a time limit?

Yes, Daily tasks reset every 24 hours, while Achievements and Store rewards have longer time limits, lasting several days.